Why Expert Opinion Is Necessary Before Installing A Residential/Commercial Garage Door
Home > Why Expert Opinion Is Necessary Before Installing A Residential/Commercial Garage Door

Are you thinking of purchasing a new garage door for your home or business? A garage door is a big investment, and we want to make sure that you get the highest quality installations and products.

You may see a lot of DIY videos online on how to install a new residential garage door or commercial overhead garage door; and it may seem simple. But overhead garage doors are usually one of the biggest pieces of equipment within a home or business and approaching an installation with minimal experience can be extremely dangerous. Therefore, here are some reasons why we recommend you consult a garage doors service expert!

Safety- This should be the most obvious but one of the main reasons you should hire a garage door professional is for your safety. Attempting a garage door installation with lack of experience can cause serious injury since garage doors have a combination of mechanical components, moving parts, tensioned springs/ hardware and electrical. Therefore, consider the safety of yourself and others around you and hire a garage door professional.

Experience – When hiring a garage door company in Mississauga, you should take the time to do your research and find out how long they have been operating. Companies like Candoor have been operating for over 30 years which means we have experience in sales, repairs, and installations. Over the years we have seen many scenarios and know the right solutions. Not only that, but we have also seen the progression within our industry and latest technologies to ensure our customers are getting the best bang for their buck!

The Right Fit- Hiring a garage door professional will allow you to get the best product for your application. This doesn’t only relate to the style of garage door but also the track configuration, weather sealing, proper hardware and accessories.

Peace of Mind- This is a simple one! When hiring a garage door expert in Mississauga, you will gain peace of mind that the job is done right to your satisfaction. With Candoor Overhead doors we sell industry leading products to supply all our customers with the highest quality residential garage doors and commercial overhead garage doors.

Call us at 1 (866) 341-3253 or contact us online for more information about our residential garage doors, commercial overhead garage doors and roller shutters today!